Eternal SkullWare

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07/19/2006 - Dragon Fighter DEMO - SkullFire

Okay, I've got the screenshots to my new RPG Demo "Dragon Fighter" posted on the message boards and here in the projects section! I'm hoping to have asomewhat working demo by the end of the week, but I'm not 100% sure yet... and I need one more member to get a account and then we'll have a free premium account!

6/21/2006 - Downloads - SkullFire

The downloads section is up and fully operational, but I do not have the ability to direct link. And to make matters worse, I only have 1GB, no password protection, and a 10MB file upload limit. If you guys can sign up by clicking here, you can help support the site and you'll get 1GB of personal uploading space!!!

5/30/2006 - More added - SkullFire

I've finished the projects page and I've added a downloads and store section. For the store to work, we'll need something to sell... so if anyone's got any ideas, please feel free to e-mail me (e-mail address is on the contacts page). Not much more for me to add! So we almost have a fully functional web page!
05/13/2006 - Basics Done - SkullFire


Okay, So I've gotten the basics of our webpage finished, and I'll put up some more maybe tomorrow... I just did some basi debugging today and added a Contacts page. And... I removed the SPAM that was added (stupid JAVA refused to save my changes yesterday >_<).

05/12/2006 - WIP - SkullFire

Okay, so I've finally gotten us a homepage for Eternal SkullWare, but it is a work in progress. It will probably take a few days for me to get it up and running in full functionality. But until then, please post on the forums, and have fun with our Wiki!

What I want to do with this site is to add information about our company. I will also be sending the admins of Eternal SkullWare the login detail so they can add information to the site! So, you won't have to contact me if you want something done to the site!




Recent Updates

6/21/2006 - I'm Learning New 1337 Powers... - SkullFire
I have recently purchased a book that is labeled "How to Program Role Playing Games", and I'm using it too learn how to process 3-D graphics, and make a fully functional 3-D RPG. If I learn this (which I probably will) than we can make modern games! So wish me luck!


Play Tetris, which is hosted on this site by clicking here.  

Join our message boards!

Do you like to talk about video games? Are you one who's looking for people to help you build a video games? Well, that's just the basics of our forums! Feel free to pop in... weather it be just to talk, or for a good reason (like making a video game ^_^!).

(C) 2006 Eternal SkullWare, (C) 2006 SkullFire